News & Updates : Month: May 2019

  • HCHC Honors 2019 Alumni of the Year

    The HCHC Alumni Association honored two of its own as Alumni of the Year at a celebratory dinner on Thursday, May 16. Over the years since they graduated, Rev. Fr. Jon Magoulias (BA 1974, MDiv 1977) and Rev. Fr. John Touloumes (MDiv 1985) have faithfully served the Greek Orthodox Church in America in noteworthy ways and brought credit to their alma mater. Also honored at the dinner were the Hellenic College class of 1969, the Holy Cross class of 1994, and both schools' classes of 2009. in his opening remarks, Rev. Fr. Demetrios Costarakis, President of the Alumni Association, referred...

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  • HCHC Celebrates Its 77th Commencement

    Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology conducted its 77th Commencement exercises on Saturday, May 19. Almost 600 people of all ages witnessed the impressive ceremony in the Pappas Gymnasium. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, Vicar of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Interim President of Hellenic College Holy Cross, delivered the invocation, after which the Holy Cross St. Romanos the Melodist Byzantine Choir led the singing of both the Greek and American national anthems. HIs Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod, then read a stirring message from His Eminence...

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  • Holy Cross Graduates Receive Crosses

    Congratulations to our newest Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology graduates, who received their crosses during Great Vespers and Stavrophoria on Friday, May 17. Members of the class of 2019 are pictured here with HCHC's Interim President, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, along with His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh, His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey, His Eminence Metropolitan Andreas of Arkalochori, Kastelli and Viannos, His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, and His Grace Bishop Ilia of Philomelion. Holy Cross Chapel was filled with...

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  • HCHC Trustees Hold First Meeting Under New Leadership

    The Hellenic College Holy Cross Board of Trustees convened on May 17, the eve of HCHC's seventy-seventh Commencement, for its first meeting under the direction of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, Interim President. The meeting, chaired by Acting Vice-Chairman George Cantonis, addressed key issues such as the FY2020 budget, accreditation, enrollment for Fall 2019, strategic planning, fundraising efforts, and the long-term sustainability of the institution. Participating in the meeting were His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh, and His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco. In addition to being longtime members of the Board...

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  • Announcement Regarding the Election of Archbishop Elpidophoros

    On May 11, 2019, under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate deliberated and elected Metropolitan Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis) of Bursa and Exarch of Bithynia as the new Archbishop of America. The liturgical service of the Mega Minima (Acceptance) and expressions of thanksgiving by the new Archbishop took place shortly after his election. The official COMMUNIQUE of the Chief Secretariat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate follows: ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE Announcement of May 11, 2019 Today, Saturday May 11 2019, the Holy and Sacred Synod, continuing its work, proceeded to fill the vacated seat of the...

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  • Seniors Present on Their Diverse Practicum Experiences

    The second annual Inter-Disciplinary Senior Practicum Luncheon took place on May 9 and featured students from Hellenic College's Psychology & Human Development program and Business Management program. This year's luncheon featured presentations by graduating students about their diverse but equally powerful experiences in the professional settings where they have served this semester. Nicole Chetsas spoke about her work at the Theophany School, an Orthodox preschool and kindergarten. Diana Khalil and Kristen Karavantos-Love presented on their practicum at Bournewood Hospital, an acute psychiatric/addiction treatment facility. Dimitri Evangelatos talked about working with autistic children. Three other P/HD students presented on their capstone...

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  • Holy Cross Accreditation Renewed

    The Board of Commissioners of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) Commission on Accrediting met in Pittsburgh, PA, February 7-9, 2019, and discussed the comprehensive visit and report of the ATS evaluation team that visited Holy Cross November 12-15, 2018. Among its several decisions, the Board of Commissioners voted: to reaffirm the accreditation of Holy Cross for a period of five years. to approve the three degree programs Holy Cross offers: Master of Divinity (MDiv), Master of Theological Studies (MTS–academic MA), and Master of Theology (ThM). The Board encouraged Holy Cross to maintain and enhance its distinctive strengths, including “the...

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